Friday, August 13, 2010

Making peace with water

We aren't vain people, not in the sense that we want to look good for everyone else. We have both gained some weight while living here and we really don't like what we see in the mirror. Our clothes don't fit, our faces don't fit, our sense of self doesn't fit. It's not where we'd like to be. So, we delve into some crazy and some sane ideas in getting healthier.

Our craziest, so far, is a juicing detox. We did it for the full 21 days the first time. However, that got to be too much. Juicing takes a lot of time and energy. When you haven't had any food-food all day? That's energy that's best spent doing something else. That was almost 2yrs ago. The up-side? We felt lighter and in less pain and it blew our minds. However, the book we read that instructed us on the detox did more than set out a diet plan. It got into label reading and chemicals and natural foods and really taking a look at that "mac-n-cheese" we bought in a box as opposed to making it from scratch. Who knew such basic meals took so many chemicals just to add a cheese flavor. Those of you who know me know that I take my cheese very very serious. Fake cheese should be banned!!

One of the first things I noticed was that pop (soda) didn't taste the same and I didn't enjoy it the way I did before. Not good since tax season would be upon me not long after that first detox. We are trying to get pregnant but for 2 weeks out of every cycle I could enjoy the bubbly sugar water offer with every can of Cherry Coke. Caffeine was never important to me but I tried to cut it out as we looked for things to "fix" in our TCC. One a side not: I had prayed for a few years that I would be delivered from my "addiction" to chocolate. During that next tax season I got the flu. Bad. Unlike anything I had seen in over 20yrs. THAT kind of flu. One of the last things I ate before I got sick was chocolate. It didn't make me as happy as it used to (thanks to the detox) but it was a useful tool when I was sad or anxious. So, last in first out. Done with chocolate and caffeinated pop all together. Thank you Lord!!! Horrible but effective!

I also started to drink more water at that point. Unwillingly. Begrudgingly. Slowly.

Next detox was only for 10 days. This time the uncaffeinated, clear pop caused an issue. When you start eliminating things from your diet then you start noticing sensitivities. Holy Cow my sinuses would swell up and cause such a headache! Wow Oh Wow!!!! So, toss that out. Not that you need it, but what was I gonna drink???? *searching searching searching* Lemonade!! We eat out often enough that I was concerned about what I'd have to drink because I'm really picky about the water I drink. Then I read the labels on some of the lemonade. Um, how can they call this lemonade??? 0% juice???? What am I ingesting??? UGH!!

However, this most recent detox, only for 7 days, pushed me over the edge with the water. Yes, I have my specific water that I prefer. No it's not a froo-froo brand. It's Target's "Market Pantry" brand and I love it! However, how'd I go from a cherry coke drinking fiend to a water guzzling health nut?? That one is still to be figured out. It's a new me and I'm not sure what to make of it.

So, in conclusion: I drink water more than anything else available and I like it!
